July 6-9, 2021, Online and Onsite in Shanghai, China

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Ownership, Reputation, and Competition

Time:Wednesday, July 7, 2021 13:30 - 15:15Location:Stream 6Session Chair:Sudipto Dasgupta, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Zoom:

Common Ownership, Competition, and Top Management Incentives

Miguel Anton; IESE Business School

Florian Ederer; Yale University

Mireia Gine; University of Navarra

Martin Schmalz; University of Oxford

  Presenter: Florian Ederer, Yale University

  Discussant: Ben Charoenwong, National University of Singapore

Do Environmental Regulations Do More Harm Than Good? Evidence from Competition and Innovation

Rui Dai; University of Pennsylvania

Rui Duan; York University

Lilian Ng; York University

  Presenter: Rui Duan, York University

  Discussant: Ying Xia, Monash University

Competition and the Reputational Costs of Litigation

Felix von Meyerinck; University of St. Gallen

Vesa Pursiainen; University of St. Gallen

Markus Schmid; University of St. Gallen

  Presenter: Felix von Meyerinck, University of St. Gallen

  Discussant: Fangyuan Ma, Peking University

Ownership and Competition

Alessio Piccolo; Indiana University

Jan Schneemeier; Indiana University

  Presenter: Jan Schneemeier, Indiana University

  Discussant: Martin Schmalz, University of Oxford

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