July 6-9, 2021, Online and Onsite in Shanghai, China

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International Asset Pricing

Time:Thursday, July 8, 2021 10:15 - 12:00Location:Stream 5Session Chair:Christian T. Lundblad, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Zoom:

Currency Investing Throughout Recent Centuries

Joseph Chen; University of California, Davis

  Presenter: Joseph Chen, University of California, Davis

  Discussant: Andreas Stathopoulos, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Risk, Monetary Policy and Asset Prices in a Global World

Geert Bekaert; Columbia University

Marie Hoerova; European Central Bank

Nancy Xu; Boston College

  Presenter: Nancy Xu, Boston College

  Discussant: Karlye Dilts Stedman, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City

Global Realignment in Financial Market Dynamics: Evidence from ETF Networks

Monica Billio; Università Ca' Foscari Venezia

Andrew Lo; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Loriana Pelizzon; Leibniz Institute for Financial Research

Mila Getmansky Sherman; University of Massachusetts Amherst

Abalfazl Zareei; Stockholm Business School

  Presenter: Abalfazl Zareei, Stockholm Business School

  Discussant: Jie Cao, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Cross-Border M&A and Currency Returns

Steven Riddiough; University of Toronto

Huizhong Zhang; Queensland University of Technology

  Presenter: Huizhong Zhang, Queensland University of Technology

  Discussant: George Panayotov, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

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